"Ocean Court" author checks in. [02.00]

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PROTOCOL: Limit letters to 200 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, length and grammar. Letters must be intelligent and well thought out (no personal attacks). Respect the opinions of others.


RE: To Believe or Not to Believe [February 2000]

Don't Blame the Internet
Urban legends are not the result of the Internet, nor are their volume or frequency increased by the Internet. The Internet is just another medium by which they can be transmitted. There are urban legends having to do with the Internet, but these are like urban legends associated with any new technical advance about which people are unsure.

The Internet does not diminish people's willingness to check facts. Most people are not going to check facts regardless of the amount of time you give them. One change the Internet has wrought, is the urban legends may be less likely to mutate once in electronic form -- its so easy to pass them on verbatim. But how much this is true is uncertain; urban legends do mutate on the Internet.

Many false urban legends are reported by the news media. Professional journalists are more likely to check facts than the average joe, but many times they are sloppy too.

Sun, 20 Feb 2000 23:14:52


RE: The Girl in the Mirror [September 1998]

Thank You
My name is Jennifer Maine and I wrote the story that appears in your September 1998 issue called "The Girl in the Mirror." I just saw it for the first time and it was the best feeling in the world to see something you created in a magazine. I just wanted to thank you for publishing my piece. It meant so much to me.

Fri, 25 Feb 2000 17:07:17


RE: Owen Hart's Unnecessary Death [June 1999]

When Wrestling Was Wrestling
I was born and raised in Calgary, and as a young teen a large group of us would head down to the Stampede grounds, for our Friday evening dose of Stampede wrestling. This was when wrestling was wrestling, no major gimmicks or elaborate costumes etc. I also had some of the Hart boy's as teachers in Junior high school. They are a gracious and kind family, and I was very saddened at the news of Owen's death. All I can say is once Stampede wrestling became no more, I lost interest and cannot stand to see the so called wrestling of today, What a joke.

Sat, 19 Feb 2000 23:09:53


I just checked out the newest issue of Renaissance and it looks great (I really enjoyed the urban legends piece) ... "Flipping" through the urban legend article (we know a couple of people who should read it) ... You SUCK at reviewing movies! ... New issue looks great ... I really enjoyed the Mary Lou Lord show review ... nice work, nice design, nice attitude ... I like the views some of the columnists have ... I'm very impressed with your mag ... I loved what I saw.


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